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如何修改驱动使得NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970, 980, 980 TI and Tita(2)

发布时间:2021-03-05 05:22 所属栏目:52 来源:网络整理
导读:? GTX 960 Official Drivers ? Once the file has been downloaded,launch it. Specify an extraction path and copy this path to your clipboard or otherwise note it for future reference. By default it will


如何修改驱动使得NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970, 980, 980 TI and Tita

GTX 960 Official Drivers


  1. Once the file has been downloaded,launch it. Specify an extraction path and copy this path to your clipboard or otherwise note it for future reference. By default it will extract the driver files to:C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\359.06\WinXP\International?Click?OK?and wait for the files to extract.?Close the installer when it appears.
  2. Navigate to the extracted directory from the previous step. Once there,go into the?Display.Driverdirectory and open up the file?nv4_dispi.inf?in your favorite plain text editor (Notepad?will suffice).
  3. There are two areas of interest in this .inf?file that you‘ll need to modify. First,the section[NVIDIA_Devices.NTx86.5.1]?includes the hardware identifiers for all of NVIDIA‘s supported cards under Windows XP. (If you are using the?64-bit?version of XP you‘ll instead want to find[NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.5.1]?[NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.5.2]?{corrected per comment from filippo}). Anywhere in this section,add the following hardware IDs.
    This corresponds to the device IDs of NVIDIA‘s entire top tier line of non-XP supported cards including the?GTX 970,?GTX 980,?GTX 980 TI,?GTX Titan X?and?Quadro M6000. By adding these identifiers,we can fake the driver installer into believing the installed GPU is supported by XP; since the underlying drivers are not any different it will be just fine! The?Section###?clause in the lines above corresponds to what settings and components will be installed for these particular cards; in the case of the 900 series it matches the same category referenced by the GTX 960. However,different drivers and versions may alter this section number (i.e.,the Windows 10 drivers use Section044 for the 900 series). So if you get a ‘Failed‘ message upon trying to install the driver,you may have to double check this section number.


    Note:?If you are attempting this in the future or on a card not referenced above,the easiest way to find the proper identifier is to first note the device hardware ID of the graphics card from within the?Device Manager. The device ID will be listed similar to "PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_17C8&4CC_0300" Note the four characters after?DEV_. Next,download the latest Windows 7/10 driver from NVIDIA‘s site,extract it (steps 2-3 above),and open the?nv_dispi.inf?file. Do a search for the four digit code and copy the found lines to the corresponding Windows XP?nv4_dispi.inf?file.

  4. The second part of the?nv4_dispi.inf?file that needs editing is found at the bottom under?[Strings]. Go to this section and add the following:



    Notice that all of the?DEV.####?references above correspond to the entries we added in step 4 and reflect the hardware device IDs for the previously unsupported cards.

  5. Re-save this file under the same?nv4_dispi.inf?name (select ‘Yes‘ to overwrite,if prompted).

Breathe. If you followed the steps above,you should now be able to run the?setup.exe?file in the parent directory that the original package was extracted to in?step #2?above without it failing.

如何修改驱动使得NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970, 980, 980 TI and Tita

The NVIDIA driver setup wizard using the custom install process,running Windows XP and a GTX 980 TI.

During the setup process,you will receive at least one driver signing alert. Press the?Continue Anywaybutton to proceed.

If you attempted to run the setup wizard previously,you would receive an alert that no compatible card was found on your system. However,now that we added the missing product identifiers,the setup continues without error. Either choose Express or Custom setup and finish it up. I recommend specifyingCustom?and checking the option to?Perform a Clean Installation?just to ensure all bits of default video drivers are cleared up and not conflicting. (Instead of running the setup wizard,you could had optionally installed the driver directly from within the?Device Manager,but would then be missing NVIDIA‘s control panel and other core packages essential to its operations).

如何修改驱动使得NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970, 980, 980 TI and Tita

Success! The full suite of NVIDIA driver software has been installed on Windows XP 32-bit for a GTX 980 TI.

