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如何修改驱动使得NVIDIA Geforce GTX 970, 980, 980 TI and Tita(3)

发布时间:2021-03-05 05:22 所属栏目:52 来源:网络整理
导读:Restart your computer after the install is complete and you should be ready to rock like it‘s 2001 all over again,except with a super pumped up machine! Windows XP on Modern Hardware: Other Consider

Restart your computer after the install is complete and you should be ready to rock like it‘s 2001 all over again,except with a super pumped up machine!

Windows XP on Modern Hardware: Other Considerations

There is obviously?a lot?more to work out when pitting modern hardware against Windows XP than just video drivers. Just getting the two operating systems to dual boot nicely can prove challenging. The easiest route is typically to install Windows XP first and then install Windows 10 to a new partition or separate connected drive afterward. This will allow Windows to create a suitable bootloader automatically to switch between them (I recommend also running "?bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy" from an elevated command prompt in Windows 10 to restore the original black bootloader screen and F8 boot functionality).

If your Windows 10 install is done via?UEFI?you could run into more complications and will generally need to alter your BIOS to disable secure boot and enable legacy boot mode alongside UEFI. I‘ve done it both ways successfully,installing XP both before and after Windows 10,but when installing it afterward there are more headaches trying to get appropriate bootloader functionality and you‘ll sometimes wind up unable to boot at all!

Modern motherboards will also not include any chipset drivers for XP on their own website. Thankfully,a lot of motherboard components are actually from third parties (i.e.,Realtek HD / AC97 audio) so you can look up the device hardware IDs and seek out XP drivers that way. It becomes a trade-off of how much time are you willing to spend chasing chipset drivers down or modifying existing drivers to work; if the system is functioning well enough for you to do everything you need then you probably don‘t need to worry about installing specific chipset drivers for the legacy XP install. For audio,if you cannot find drivers for your particular sound card and are not using on-board sound,consider purchasing simple USB-powered desktop speakers to alleviate the need of hacking together your own drivers for a modern sound card. Another option would be to embrace the HDMI/DisplayPort audio out if your display supports sound; the driver will be installed during the NVIDIA driver installation.

Who would had thought I‘d be spending this much time writing about Windows XP near the dawn of 2016?

