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发布时间:2021-02-23 11:22 所属栏目:121 来源:网络整理
导读:/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE BETWEEN PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the d

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE BETWEEN PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the value of a $field is between $x and $y @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_between('foo',20,30); */
public function where_between($field = "",$x,$y) {
$this->wheres[$field]['$gte'] = $x;
$this->wheres[$field]['$lte'] = $y;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE BETWEEN AND NOT EQUAL TO PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the value of a $field is between but not equal to $x and $y @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_between_ne('foo',30); */
public function where_between_ne($field = "",$y) {
$this->wheres[$field]['$gt'] = $x;
$this->wheres[$field]['$lt'] = $y;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE NOT EQUAL TO PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the value of a $field is not equal to $x @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_between('foo',30); */
public function where_ne($field = "",$x) {
$this->wheres[$field]['$ne'] = $x;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE OR -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the value of a $field is in one or more values @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_or('foo',array( 'foo','bar','blegh' ); */
public function where_or($field = "",$values) {
$this->wheres[$field]['$or'] = $values;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE AND -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the elements match the specified values @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_and( array ( 'foo' => 1,'b' => 'someexample' ); */
public function where_and($elements_values = array()) {
foreach ((array)$elements_values as $element => $val) {
$this->wheres[$element] = $val;
} return($this);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE MOD -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where $field % $mod = $result @usage = $this->mongo_db->where_mod( 'foo',10,1 ); */
public function where_mod($field,$num,$result) {
$this->wheres[$field]['$mod'] = array($num,$result);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where size -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the size of a field is in a given $size int @usage : $this->mongo_db->where_size('foo',1)->get('foobar'); */
public function where_size($field = "",$size = "") {
$this->wheres[$field]['$size'] = $size;
return ($this);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIKE PARAMETERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get the documents where the (string) value of a $field is like a value. The defaults allow for a case-insensitive search. @param $flags Allows for the typical regular expression flags: i = case insensitive m = multiline x = can contain comments l = locale s = dotall,"." matches everything,including newlines u = match unicode @param $enable_start_wildcard If set to anything other than TRUE,a starting line character "^" will be prepended to the search value,representing only searching for a value at the start of a new line. @param $enable_end_wildcard If set to anything other than TRUE,an ending line character "$" will be appended to the search value,representing only searching for a value at the end of a line. @usage = $this->mongo_db->like('foo','im',FALSE,TRUE); */
public function like($field = "",$value = "",$flags = "i",$enable_start_wildcard = TRUE,$enable_end_wildcard = TRUE) {
$field = (string) trim($field);
$value = (string) trim($value);
$value = quotemeta($value);
if ($enable_start_wildcard !== TRUE) {
$value = "^" . $value;
} if ($enable_end_wildcard !== TRUE) {
$value .= "$";
} $regex = "/$value/$flags";
$this->wheres[$field] = new MongoRegex($regex);

public function wheres($where){
$this->wheres = $where;

