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发布时间:2021-03-07 13:20 所属栏目:121 来源:网络整理
导读:本篇章节讲解PHP实现将汉字转换为拼音及获取词语首字母的方法。供大家参考研究具体如下: 最近要开发将汉字转换为拼音和得到首字的功能记录下来哈子:呵呵~ = '5.0



= '5.0') ? array_combine ( $_TDataKey,$_TDataValue ) : $this->_Array_Combine( $_TDataKey,$_TDataValue ); arsort ( $data ); reset ( $data ); $str = $this->safe_encoding ( $str ); $_Res = ''; for($i = 0; $i < strlen ( $str ); $i ++) { $_P = ord ( substr ( $str,$i,1 ) ); if ($_P > 160) { $_Q = ord ( substr ( $str,++ $i,1 ) ); $_P = $_P * 256 + $_Q - 65536; } $_Res .= $this->_Pinyin ( $_P,$data ).$pix; } return preg_replace ( "/[^a-z0-9".$pix."]*/",'',$_Res ); } private function _Pinyin($_Num,$_Data) { if ($_Num > 0 && $_Num < 160) return chr ( $_Num ); elseif ($_Num < - 20319 || $_Num > - 10247) return ''; else { foreach ( $_Data as $k => $v ) { if ($v <= $_Num) break; } return $k; } } public function getFirstChar($str=''){ if( !$str ) return null; $fchar=ord($str{0}); if($fchar>=ord("A") and $fchar<=ord("z") )return strtoupper($str{0}); $s= $this->safe_encoding($str); $asc=ord($s{0})*256+ord($s{1})-65536; if($asc>=-20319 and $asc<=-20284)return "A"; if($asc>=-20283 and $asc<=-19776)return "B"; if($asc>=-19775 and $asc<=-19219)return "C"; if($asc>=-19218 and $asc<=-18711)return "D"; if($asc>=-18710 and $asc<=-18527)return "E"; if($asc>=-18526 and $asc<=-18240)return "F"; if($asc>=-18239 and $asc<=-17923)return "G"; if($asc>=-17922 and $asc<=-17418)return "H"; if($asc>=-17417 and $asc<=-16475)return "J"; if($asc>=-16474 and $asc<=-16213)return "K"; if($asc>=-16212 and $asc<=-15641)return "L"; if($asc>=-15640 and $asc<=-15166)return "M"; if($asc>=-15165 and $asc<=-14923)return "N"; if($asc>=-14922 and $asc<=-14915)return "O"; if($asc>=-14914 and $asc<=-14631)return "P"; if($asc>=-14630 and $asc<=-14150)return "Q"; if($asc>=-14149 and $asc<=-14091)return "R"; if($asc>=-14090 and $asc<=-13319)return "S"; if($asc>=-13318 and $asc<=-12839)return "T"; if($asc>=-12838 and $asc<=-12557)return "W"; if($asc>=-12556 and $asc<=-11848)return "X"; if($asc>=-11847 and $asc<=-11056)return "Y"; if($asc>=-11055 and $asc<=-10247)return "Z"; return null; } function safe_encoding($string) { $encoding="UTF-8"; for($i=0;$i_outEncoding)) return $string; else return iconv($encoding,$this->_outEncoding,$string); } private function _Array_Combine($_Arr1,$_Arr2){ for($i = 0; $i < count ( $_Arr1 ); $i ++) $_Res [$_Arr1 [$i]] = $_Arr2 [$i]; return $_Res; } }

