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发布时间:2021-01-07 01:10 所属栏目:52 来源:网络整理
导读:四、事件 1、CustomDrawAxisLabel : 接管此事件来获得轴标签。定制轴标签 void chartControl1_CustomDrawAxisLabel( sender,CustomDrawAxisLabelEventArgs e){ AxisBase axis = e.Item.Axis; if (axis is AxisY ||



1、CustomDrawAxisLabel : 接管此事件来获得轴标签。定制轴标签

void chartControl1_CustomDrawAxisLabel( sender,CustomDrawAxisLabelEventArgs e) { AxisBase axis = e.Item.Axis; if (axis is AxisY || axis is AxisY3D || axis RadarAxisY) { double axisValue = (double)e.Item.AxisValue; if (axisValue < ) { e.Item.TextColor = Color.Red; } else if (axisValue > ) { e.Item.Text = +" + e.Item.Text; e.Item.TextColor = Color.Green; } if (axisValue == Zero; } } }


void chartControl1_ObjectHotTracked(if (e.AdditionalObject AxisTitle) { MessageBox.Show(e.AdditionalObject.GetType().ToString()); } }

3、CustomDrawSeries :自定义绘制系列

void chartControl1_CustomDrawSeries( Find all Bar Series by their view type,and fill them with Aqua color. if (e.Series.View BarSeriesView) e.SeriesDrawOptions.Color = Color.Aqua; Find the series by its name,and change its line style to dash-dot-dot. (Here it‘s assumed that the series view type is LineSeriesView). if (e.Series.Name == Line Series) ((LineDrawOptions)e.SeriesDrawOptions).LineStyle.DashStyle = DevExpress.XtraCharts.DashStyle.DashDotDot; Find all Point Series by the type of its DrawOptions,and change their marker kind to diamond. if (e.SeriesDrawOptions.GetType() == (PointDrawOptions)) ((PointDrawOptions)e.SeriesDrawOptions).Marker.Kind = MarkerKind.Diamond; }


void chartControl1_CustomDrawSeriesPoint( These changes will be applied to Bar Series only. BarDrawOptions drawOptions = e.SeriesDrawOptions as BarDrawOptions; if (drawOptions == ) ; Get the fill options for the series point. drawOptions.FillStyle.FillMode = DevExpress.XtraCharts.FillMode.Gradient; RectangleGradientFillOptions options = drawOptions.FillStyle.Options RectangleGradientFillOptions; if (options == Get the value at the current series point. double val = e.SeriesPoint[]; If the value is less than 1,hide the point‘s label. if (e.SeriesPoint[0] < 1) { e.LabelText = ; } If the value is less than 2.5,then fill the bar with green colors. if (val < 2.5) { options.Color2 = Color.FromArgb(154,128);">196,128);">84); drawOptions.Color = Color.FromArgb(81,128);">137,128);">3); drawOptions.Border.Color = Color.FromArgb(100,128);">39,128);">91,0);">); } ... if the value is less than 5.5,then fill the bar with yellow colors. 5.5254,128);">233,128);">124249,128);">170,128);">1560,128);">165,128);">73,128);">5 ... if the value is greater,then fill the bar with red colors. { options.Color2 = Color.FromArgb(242,128);">143,128);">112199,128);">57,128);">12155,128);">26,0);">); } }




if (chartControlidx.IsPrintingAvailable) 是否能被打印或输出 { Exports to a PDF file. chartControlidx.ExportToPdf(path); Exports to a stream as PDF. System.IO.FileStream pdfStream = System.IO.FileStream(path,System.IO.FileMode.Create); chartControlidx.ExportToPdf(pdfStream); ... pdfStream.Close(); }


{ Create an image in the specified format from the chart and save it to the specified path. chartControlidx.ExportToImage(path,System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); png格式 }



