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CentOS中安装虚拟主机管理软件DA DirectAdmin

发布时间:2021-12-15 12:50 所属栏目:52 来源:互联网
导读:DirectAdmin是一款付费的虚拟主机管理软件,通常简称为DA,DA比Cpanel功能上简单,但是内存占用也更少些,更重要的是价格也更便宜,一般自己用或者搞合租DA算是很合适的。 安装前首先确保已经购买了DirectAdmin的授权,购买授权后会有Client ID,License ID,
  安装前首先确保已经购买了DirectAdmin的授权,购买授权后会有Client ID,License ID,也需要在DA官网上或者DA销售商那里提交你的VPS或者服务器的IP和系统信息。
  yum update -y
  yum install gcc-c++ gcc make automake wget flex -y
  yum remove httpd* php* mysql* -y
  wget http://directadmin.com/setup.sh
  chmod +x setup.sh
  运行DirectAdmin安装文件,然后在下面填入相关的信息。其中hostname最好最好使用如:linode.vpser.net 之类的二级域名不要使用顶级域名。
DirectAdmin’s setup has a few more things you need to fill:
Please enter your Client ID :                   //输入你的Client ID
Please enter your License ID :                    //输入你的License ID
Please enter your hostname /(server.domain.com/)                         //输入一个主机名,如:linode.vpser.net
It must be a Fully Qualified Domain Name
Do *not* use a domain you plan on using for the hostname:
eg. don’t use domain.com. Use server.domain.com instead.
Do not enter http:// or www
Enter your hostname (FQDN) :
Is this correct? (y,n) :                          //提示上面是否正确,正确请输入y
Is eth0 your network adaptor with the license IP? (y,n) :             //输入y
Is xx.xx.xx.xx the IP in your license? (y,n) :                           //确认IP是否是License上注册的IP
DirectAdmin will now be installed on: Enterprise 5
Is this correct? (must match license) (y,n) :               //输入y
You now have 2 options for your apache/php setup.
1: customapache: older, more tested. Includes Apache 1.3, php 4 and frontpage.
2: custombuild 1.1: newer, less tested. Includes any Apache version, php 4, 5, or both in cli and/or suphp. Frontpage not available with Apache 2.x.
Post any issues with custombuild to the forum: http://www.directadmin.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=61
Enter your choice (1 or 2):        //一般选择2就行,使用php5

