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发布时间:2021-12-30 13:15 所属栏目:121 来源:互联网
导读:PHP设计模式是PHP学习的一个重要的内容,我们知道PHP设计模式有很多,这篇文主要给大家介绍的是关于PHP解释器模式的原理和使用等相关内容,对新手学习和理解解释器模式有一定的参考价值,感兴趣的朋友可以看看。 解释器模式,它是什么呢?意思就是,给定一个
       解释器模式,它是什么呢?意思就是,给定一个语言, 定义它的文法的一种表示,并定义一个解释器,该解释器使用该表示来解释语言中的句子,这是最实在的一种说法。
       我们还可以理解为它是用于分析一个实体的关键元素,并且针对每个元素提供自己的解释或相应动作。解释器模式非常常用,比如PHP的模板引擎 就是非常常见的一种解释器模。
//解释器模式 用于分析一个实体的关键元素,并且针对每个元素提供自己的解释或相应动作
//解释器模式非常常用,比如PHP的模板引擎 就是非常常见的一种解释器模式
class template {
 private $left = '<!--{';
 private $right = '}-->';
 public function run($str) {
 return $this->init($str, $this->left, $this->right);
 * 模板驱动-默认的驱动
 * @param string $str 模板文件数据
 * @return string
 private function init($str, $left, $right) {
 $pattern = array('/'.$left.'/', '/'.$right.'/');
 $replacement = array('', '');
 return preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $str);
$str = "这是一个模板类,简单的模板类,标题为:<!--{Hello World}-->";
$template = new template;
echo $template->run($str);
       我们来看下《设计模式》一书针对这个模式提供的一个扩展示例,是一个网友使用数学表达式替换布尔表达式重新改造了一下,因此这个例子解决了一个数学表达式的展现,它的evaluate( )被分离在一个不同的ConcreteExpression类中,如下:
 * AbstractExpression. All implementations of this interface
 * are ConcreteExpressions.
interface MathExpression
  * Calculates the value assumed by the expression.
  * Note that $values is passed to all expression but it
  * is used by Variable only. This is required to abstract
  * away the tree structure.
 public function evaluate(array $values);
 * A terminal expression which is a literal value.
class Literal implements MathExpression
 private $_value;
 public function __construct($value)
  $this->_value = $value;
 public function evaluate(array $values)
  return $this->_value;
 * A terminal expression which represents a variable.
class Variable implements MathExpression
 private $_letter;
 public function __construct($letter)
  $this->_letter = $letter;
 public function evaluate(array $values)
  return $values[$this->_letter];
 * Nonterminal expression.
class Sum implements MathExpression
 private $_a;
 private $_b;
 public function __construct(MathExpression $a, MathExpression $b)
  $this->_a = $a;
  $this->_b = $b;
 public function evaluate(array $values)
  return $this->_a->evaluate($values) + $this->_b->evaluate($values);
 * Nonterminal expression.
class Product implements MathExpression
 private $_a;
 private $_b;
 public function __construct(MathExpression $a, MathExpression $b)
  $this->_a = $a;
  $this->_b = $b;
 public function evaluate(array $values)
  return $this->_a->evaluate($values) * $this->_b->evaluate($values);
// 10(a + 3)
$expression = new Product(new Literal(10), new Sum(new Variable('a'), new Literal(3)));
echo $expression->evaluate(array('a' => 4)), "\n";
// adding new rules to the grammar is easy:
// e.g. Power, Subtraction...
// thanks to the Composite, manipulation is even simpler:
// we could add substitute($letter, MathExpression $expr)
// to the interface...
class Expression{
 public $content;
 function getContent(){
  return $this->content;
abstract class AbstractInterpreter{
 abstract function interpret($content);
class ChineseInterpreter extends AbstractInterpreter{
 function interpret($content){
   case '0': echo "没有人<br>";break;
   case "1": echo "一个人<br>";break;
   case "2": echo "二个人<br>";break;
   case "3": echo "三个人<br>";break;
   case "4": echo "四个人<br>";break;
   case "5": echo "五个人<br>";break;
   case "6": echo "六个人<br>";break;
   case "7": echo "七个人<br>";break;
   case "8": echo "八个人<br>";break;
   case "9": echo "九个人<br>";break;
   default:echo "其他";
class EnglishInterpreter extends AbstractInterpreter{
 function interpret($content){
    case '0': echo "This is nobody<br>";break;
    case "1": echo "This is one people<br>";break;
    case "2": echo "This is two people<br>";break;
    case "3": echo "This is three people<br>";break;
    case "4": echo "This is four people<br>";break;
    case "5": echo "This is five people<br>";break;
    case "6": echo "This is six people<br>";break;
    case "7": echo "This is seven people<br>";break;
    case "8": echo "This is eight people<br>";break;
    case "9": echo "This is nine people<br>";break;
    default:echo "others";
class Interpreter{
  private $interpreter;
  private $content;
  function __construct($expression){
  $this->content = $expression->getContent();
  if($this->content[0] == "Chinese"){
    $this->interpreter = new ChineseInterpreter();
    $this->interpreter = new EnglishInterpreter();
  function execute(){
$expression = new Expression();
$expression->content = array("Chinese",3,2,4,4,5);
$interpreter = new Interpreter($expression);
$expression = new Expression();
$expression->content = array("English",1,2,3,0,0);
$interpreter = new Interpreter($expression);
This is one people
This is two people
This is three people
This is nobody
This is nobody

