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PHP SPL标准库 SplFixedArray 说明及和Array的性能测试

发布时间:2022-02-23 15:06 所属栏目:121 来源:互联网
导读:SPL - Standard PHP Library,标准PHP类库,本文我们来看看SPL标准库之数据结构SplFixedArray,及SplFixedArray和Array的性能测试对比. SplFixedArray主要是处理数组相关的主要功能,与普通php array不同的是,它是固定长度的,且以数字为键名的数组,优势就是比普
  SPL - Standard PHP Library,标准PHP类库,本文我们来看看SPL标准库之数据结构SplFixedArray,及SplFixedArray和Array的性能测试对比.
  SplFixedArray主要是处理数组相关的主要功能,与普通php array不同的是,它是固定长度的,且以数字为键名的数组,优势就是比普通的数组处理更快.
  for($size = 10000; $size < 10000000; $size *= 4) {
      echo PHP_EOL . "Testing size: $size" . PHP_EOL;
      for($s = microtime(true), $container = Array(), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL;
      echo "Array(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL;
      for($s = microtime(true), $container = new SplFixedArray($size), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) $container[$i] = NULL;
      echo "SplArray(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL;
  Testing size: 10000
  Array(): 0.004000186920166
  SplArray(): 0.0019998550415039
  Testing size: 40000
  Array(): 0.017001152038574
  SplArray(): 0.0090007781982422
  Testing size: 160000
  Array(): 0.050002098083496
  SplArray(): 0.046003103256226
  Testing size: 640000
  Array(): 0.19701099395752
  SplArray(): 0.16700983047485
  Testing size: 2560000
  Array(): 0.75704312324524
  SplArray(): 0.67303895950317
  通常情况下SplFixedArray要比php array快上20%~30%,所以如果你是处理巨大数量的固定长度数组,还是强烈建议使用.
  SplFixedArray  implements Iterator   , ArrayAccess   , Countable   {
      /* 方法 */
      public __construct  ([ int $size  = 0  ] )
      public int count  ( void )
      public mixed current  ( void )
      public static SplFixedArray fromArray  ( array $array  [, bool $save_indexes  = true  ] )
      public int getSize  ( void )
      public int key  ( void )
      public void next  ( void )
      public bool offsetExists  ( int $index  )
      public mixed offsetGet  ( int $index  )
      public void offsetSet  ( int $index  , mixed  $newval  )
      public void offsetUnset  ( int $index  )
      public void rewind  ( void )
      public int setSize  ( int $size  )
      public array toArray  ( void )
      public bool valid  ( void )
      public void __wakeup  ( void )
      echo $arr[10];
  } catch (RuntimeException $e) {
      echo $e->getMessage();
  The SplFixedArray class provides the main functionalities of array. The main differences between a SplFixedArray and a normal PHP array is that the SplFixedArray is of fixed length and allows only integers within the range as indexes. The advantage is that it allows a faster array implementation.
  function pr() {
      $params = func_get_args();
      $env = php_sapi_name();
      if ("cli" == $env) {
          foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
              echo $value;
      } else {
          foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
              echo "<pre>";
              echo "</pre>";
  } // 用来打印输出结果
  require dirname(__FILE__)."/function.php";
  for ($size=1000; $size<=50000000; $size*=2) {
      pr(PHP_EOL . "Testing size: $size" . PHP_EOL);  
      for($s = microtime(true), $container = Array(), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
          $container[$i] = NULL;  
      }  //Cuoxin.com
      pr( "Array(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL);  
      for($s = microtime(true), $container = new SplFixedArray($size), $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
          $container[$i] = NULL;  
      pr("SplArray(): " . (microtime(true) - $s) . PHP_EOL);  

