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开源数据库:Apache CouchDB 1.1.1发布

发布时间:2017-01-08 10:31 所属栏目:61 来源:皮丽华
导读:Apache CouchDB是个免费、开源、面向文档的数据库,使用Erlang语言编写,可以使用JavaScript以MapReduce的风格查询、索引CouchDB。CouchDB是个NoSQL解决方案,用于local replication并且可以垂直扩展到多种设备上。在经过多个月的开发后,近日Apache CouchDB1

    【 资讯】Apache CouchDB是个免费、开源、面向文档的数据库,使用Erlang语言编写,可以使用JavaScript以MapReduce的风格查询、索引CouchDB。CouchDB是个NoSQL解决方案,用于local replication并且可以垂直扩展到多种设备上。在经过多个月的开发后,近日Apache CouchDB1.1.1终于破茧而出了。

       CouchDB提供了一个RESTful JSON API,支持HTTP请求的环境都可以访问。有很多用各种编程语言编写的第三方客户端程序库简化了对CouchDB的访问。可以通过HTTP请求使用CouchDB内置的Web管理控制台直接与数据库交互。




  * Support SpiderMonkey 1.8.5

  * Add configurable maximum to the number of bytes returned by _log.

  * Allow CommonJS modules to be an empty string.

  * Bump minimum Erlang version to R13B02.

  * Do not run deleted validate_doc_update functions.

  * ETags for views include current sequence if include_docs=true.

  * Fix bug where duplicates can appear in _changes feed.

  * Fix bug where update handlers break after conflict resolution.

  * Fix bug with _replicator where include "filter" could crash couch.

  * Fix crashes when compacting large views.

  * Fix file descriptor leak in _log

  * Fix missing revisions in _changes?style=all_docs.

  * Improve handling of compaction at max_dbs_open limit.

  * JSONP responses now send "text/javascript" for Content-Type.

  * Link to ICU 4.2 on Windows.

  * Permit forward slashes in path to update functions.

  * Reap couchjs processes that hit reduce_overflow error.

  * Status code can be specified in update handlers.

  * Support provides() in show functions.

  * _view_cleanup when ddoc has no views now removes all index files.

  * max_replication_retry_count now supports "infinity".

  * Fix replication crash when source database has a document with empty ID.

  * Fix deadlock when assigning couchjs processes to serve requests.

  * Fixes to the document multipart PUT API.

  * Fixes regarding file descriptor leaks for databases with views.



