While the payment system that you have included may conduct the
transaction outside of the app, if the purchasable content,
functionality, or services are intended to be used in the app, they must
be purchased through IAP, within the app – unless it is of the type
referenced in guideline 3.1.3 of the App Store Review Guidelines. 和App Store中某款应用的内容以及功能重复 如果应用的内容和功能和App Store中某款应用(尤其是热门应用)的内容和功能类似,或者仅仅对某款应用的名称以及UI等进行了简单地修改,那它可能无法通过苹果的审核。 被拒理由原文: Your app duplicates the content and functionality of apps currently available on the App Store. Apps that simply duplicate content and/or functionality create
clutter, diminish the overall experience for the end user, and reduce
the ability of developers to market their apps. We encourage you to review your app concept and incorporate different
content and features that are in compliance with the App Store Review
除此之外,虽然苹果的理念中提倡“简洁”,但并不代表它能够接受功能不够完善、过于单一的应用。如果你的应用没有创意,且不能够给用户提供有价值的体验、或者仅适用于某个小众市场,那它也可能被苹果拒绝。 开发商名称和APP内的金融机构名字不匹配 再次提醒一下各位开发者,尤其是理财、P2P等金融类相关产品的开发者:如果开发商的名称和App内的金融机构名字不匹配,被拒的风险就会大大增加。 被拒理由原文: The Seller and Artist names associated with your app do not reflect the financial institute in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the
Apple Developer Program License Agreement. Next Steps Your app must be published under a Seller name and Artist name that reflects the financial institution brand…
如果遇到了类似问题,可以尝试下述方式: ①苹果规定:金融类应用只能用对应公司名称的开发者账号上传。也就是说,如果用个人开发者账号提交金融类应用后收到了类似邮件,你可以考虑用公司开发者账号提交。 ②如果你不想采取上面的方式,且你是在帮助客户提交应用,可以让客户将你的开发者账号添加到他们的开发者账号团队成员中,然后再尝试提交。 ③审核期间,将敏感信息和功能删除或隐藏。 仅支持微信登录 苹果在审核指南5.1.1中指出:如果应用并没有包括明显地、基于用户账户的功能,请允许用户在不登陆的情况下就能正常使用。应用不能要求用户输入个人信息来使用其中的功能,但和核心功能直接相关的应用或法律要求的情况除外。如果应用的核心功能并没有和某个特定的社交网络(例如:Facebook、微信、微博、Twitter等)相关,你必须提供无需登录的方式或通过另一种机制访问的功能。但获取用户基本资料、分享到社交网络,或邀请朋友使用这个应用都不被认为是核心的应用功能。 被拒理由原文: We were required to install WeChat before we could use
the alternative login mechanism. Apps should be able to run on launch,
without requiring additional apps to be installed. Next Steps Please revise your app to ensure that users can use it upon launch.
If your app requires authentication before use, please use methods that
can authenticate users from within your app.
包含敏感的内容 苹果在审核指南1.1中指出:应用程序不应该包括具有攻击性、令人不悦、侮辱或品味低下的内容。例如,引用或评论宗教、种族、性取向、性别或其他目标人群的内容、公开的性爱或色情内容、针对人或动物被杀害等较为逼真的描述等。 被拒理由原文: Your app includes content that many users would find
objectionable and offensive. Specifically, your app name indicates the
app contains adult content. Next Steps Please remove all objectionable content from your app and submit your
revised binary for review.For app design information, check out the
following videos…
应用内支持购买彩票、抽奖券等 苹果不允许使用应用内付费购买信用点或者虚拟货币,并把它们与实际的货币结合使用,也不允许在应用当中购买彩票,抽奖券,和进行资金转移等。 但可以通过提供一个链接,然后启动Safari,在网站中购买。 被拒理由原文: Your app enables users to purchase a raffle ticket, top-up their accounts, or initiate fund transfers in the app, which does not comply with the App Store Review Guidelines. Next Steps While raffle tickets cannot be purchased within the app, you may provide a link that launches your website in Safari, where users may purchase a ticket.
写在后面的话 苹果加大对应用的审核力度已是不争的事实,风口浪尖上,大家还是保守行事为妙!万一被拒,应用上线或更新时间的延迟可能就不是一两天的事情了。且从1月下旬开始,有多位CP反映,应用提审后一直处于“正在审核”阶段(最长时间达10日之久),即使采取联系苹果、反复提交等方式也没有彻底解决。如果提审时不幸命中,那后果就很严重了! 作者:小七,微信公众号:aso100news