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发布时间:2021-01-27 16:34 所属栏目:121 来源:网络整理
导读:/** Reserve a job (with a timeout). @param integer $timeout If given specifies number of seconds to wait for a job. 0 returns immediately. @return array|false false on error otherwise an array holdin


  • Reserve a job (with a timeout).
  • @param integer $timeout If given specifies number of seconds to wait for
  • a job. 0 returns immediately.
  • @return array|false false on error otherwise an array holding job id
  • and body.
    public function reserve($timeout = null) {
    if (isset($timeout)) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('reserve-with-timeout %d',$timeout));
    } else {
    $status = strtok($this->_read(),' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'RESERVED':
    return [
      'id' => (integer) strtok(' '),'body' => $this->_read((integer) strtok(' '))
  case 'TIMED_OUT':
    return false;



  • Removes a job from the server entirely.
  • @param integer $id The id of the job.
  • @return boolean false on error,true on success.
    public function delete($id) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('delete %d',$id));
    $status = $this->_read();
switch ($status) {
  case 'DELETED':
    return true;
  case 'NOT_FOUND':
    return false;



  • Puts a reserved job back into the ready queue.
  • @param integer $id The id of the job.
  • @param integer $pri Priority to assign to the job.
  • @param integer $delay Number of seconds to wait before putting the job in the ready queue.
  • @return boolean false on error,true on success.
    public function release($id,$delay) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('release %d %d %d',$id,$delay));
    $status = $this->_read();
switch ($status) {
  case 'RELEASED':
  case 'BURIED':
    return true;
  case 'NOT_FOUND':
    return false;



  • Puts a job into the buried state Buried jobs are put into a FIFO
  • linked list and will not be touched until a client kicks them.
  • @param integer $id The id of the job.
  • @param integer $pri New priority to assign to the job.
  • @return boolean false on error,true on success.
    public function bury($id,$pri) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('bury %d %d',$pri));
    $status = $this->_read();
switch ($status) {
  case 'BURIED':
    return true;
  case 'NOT_FOUND':
    return false;



  • Allows a worker to request more time to work on a job.
  • @param integer $id The id of the job.
  • @return boolean false on error,true on success.
    public function touch($id) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('touch %d',$id));
    $status = $this->_read();
switch ($status) {
  case 'TOUCHED':
    return true;
  case 'NOT_TOUCHED':
    return false;



  • Adds the named tube to the watch list for the current connection.
  • @param string $tube Name of tube to watch.
  • @return integer|boolean false on error otherwise number of tubes in watch list.
    public function watch($tube) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('watch %s',' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'WATCHING':
    return (integer) strtok(' ');
    return false;



  • Remove the named tube from the watch list.
  • @param string $tube Name of tube to ignore.
  • @return integer|boolean false on error otherwise number of tubes in watch list.
    public function ignore($tube) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('ignore %s',' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'WATCHING':
    return (integer) strtok(' ');
  case 'NOT_IGNORED':
    return false;


/ Other Commands /


  • Inspect a job by its id.
  • @param integer $id The id of the job.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job.
    public function peek($id) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('peek %d',$id));
    return $this->_peekRead();


  • Inspect the next ready job.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job.
    public function peekReady() {
    return $this->_peekRead();

