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发布时间:2021-01-27 16:34 所属栏目:121 来源:网络整理
导读:/** Inspect the job with the shortest delay left. @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job. */ public function peekDelayed() { $this-_write('peek-delayed'); return $this-_p


  • Inspect the job with the shortest delay left.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job.
    public function peekDelayed() {
    return $this->_peekRead();


  • Inspect the next job in the list of buried jobs.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job.
    public function peekBuried() {
    return $this->_peekRead();


  • Handles response for all peek methods.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise the body of the job.
    protected function _peekRead() {
    $status = strtok($this->_read(),' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'FOUND':
    return [
      'id' => (integer) strtok(' '),'body' => $this->_read((integer) strtok(' '))
  case 'NOT_FOUND':
    return false;



  • Moves jobs into the ready queue (applies to the current tube).
  • If there are buried jobs those get kicked only otherwise delayed
  • jobs get kicked.
  • @param integer $bound Upper bound on the number of jobs to kick.
  • @return integer|boolean False on error otherwise number of jobs kicked.
    public function kick($bound) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('kick %d',$bound));
    $status = strtok($this->_read(),' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'KICKED':
    return (integer) strtok(' ');
    return false;



  • This is a variant of the kick command that operates with a single
  • job identified by its job id. If the given job id exists and is in a
  • buried or delayed state,it will be moved to the ready queue of the
  • the same tube where it currently belongs.
  • @param integer $id The job id.
  • @return boolean false on error true otherwise.
    public function kickJob($id) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('kick-job %d',$id));
    $status = strtok($this->_read(),' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'KICKED':
    return true;
  case 'NOT_FOUND':
    return false;


/ Stats Commands /


  • Gives statistical information about the specified job if it exists.
  • @param integer $id The job id.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with a yaml formatted dictionary.
    public function statsJob($id) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('stats-job %d',$id));
    return $this->_statsRead();


  • Gives statistical information about the specified tube if it exists.
  • @param string $tube Name of the tube.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with a yaml formatted dictionary.
    public function statsTube($tube) {
    $this->_write(sprintf('stats-tube %s',$tube));
    return $this->_statsRead();


  • Gives statistical information about the system as a whole.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with a yaml formatted dictionary.
    public function stats() {
    return $this->_statsRead();


  • Returns a list of all existing tubes.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with a yaml formatted list.
    public function listTubes() {
    return $this->_statsRead();


  • Returns the tube currently being used by the producer.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with the name of the tube.
    public function listTubeUsed() {
    $status = strtok($this->_read(),' ');
switch ($status) {
  case 'USING':
    return strtok(' ');
    return false;



  • Returns a list of tubes currently being watched by the worker.
  • @return string|boolean false on error otherwise a string with a yaml formatted list.
    public function listTubesWatched() {
    return $this->_statsRead();

