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发布时间:2017-01-02 08:48 所属栏目:52 来源:IT168服务器频道


Carl Eschenbach 易卡尔
Executive Vice President of Worldwide Field Operations

Carl Eschenbach leads VMware field operations including sales, pre/post-sales engineering and global channel strategies. Carl has more than 20 years of experience in the high tech industry covering all aspects of technology including networking, telephony, storage and infrastructure software. Prior to joining VMware, Carl was vice president of North America Sales at Inktomi where he was instrumental in building out the North America sales, pre-sales engineering and field marketing organizations. He has also held various sales management positions with 3Com, EMC and Lucent Technologies.

Carl Eschenbach 负责 VMware 的区域运营,包括销售、售前/售后工程管理和 VMware 的全球渠道策略。Carl 有超过 20 年的高科技行业的从业经验,涵盖技术的各个方面,如:网络、电话、存储和基础架构软件。加入VMware 之前,Carl 是北美销售(位于 Inktomi)的副总裁,在那里 Carl 负责售前工程管理和区域市场营销组织,为North America Sales 的销售量增长做出了很大的贡献。他还在 3Com、Lucent Technologies 和 EMC 担任过多项销售管理职务。

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