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发布时间:2017-01-02 08:48 所属栏目:52 来源:IT168服务器频道
导读:Edward Yeung杨君霈 Country Manager, Greater China 大中华区总经理 Edward Yeung is the Country Manager of VMware Greater China. Responsible for driving the company’s growth and expansion in Greater Ch

Edward Yeung杨君霈
Country Manager, Greater China

Edward Yeung is the Country Manager of VMware Greater China. Responsible for driving the company’s growth and expansion in Greater China region including Hong Kong, China, Macau and Taiwan, Edward establishes the company’s go-to-market strategies and aligns business strategies to technology requirements to accelerate the adoption of VMware’s virtual infrastructure solutions. Prior to joining VMware, Edward was the Managing Director of Greater China for Business Objects, where he established the China office and oversaw its rapid growth. Edward is an industry expert with over 20 years of experience.


上一页1234567下一页查看全文 内容导航
  • 第1页:全球区域运营执行副总裁易卡尔
  • 第2页:总裁兼首席执行官戴尔格琳
  • 第3页:大中华区总经理杨君霈
  • 第4页:全球市场部副总裁卡帝克
  • 第5页:大中华区技术总监张振伦
  • 第6页:亚太区副总裁兼总经理马克
  • 第7页:全球产品开发副总裁Paul Chan

