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发布时间:2017-01-02 08:48 所属栏目:52 来源:IT168服务器频道
导读:Mike Clayville 马克 Vice-President and General Manager, Asia Pacific 亚太区副总裁兼总经理 Mike Clayville is responsible for providing strategic direction and establishing VMware’s market leadership i
Mike Clayville 马克
Vice-President and General Manager, Asia Pacific

Mike Clayville is responsible for providing strategic direction and establishing VMware’s market leadership in virtualization technologies in the Asia Pacific region. He oversees all aspects of the company’s operations from sales, channels, marketing, partnerships and alliances, to professional services. Mike has over 18 years of wide-ranging experience in sales, marketing, and operations management. Prior to VMware, Mike was the Vice President of Worldwide Channel Operations of Marcam Solutions, a leading supplier of ERP systems for the food industry, and was formerly Vice President and General Manager, General Territories of BEA Systems. Mike has an MBA from Texas A&M University and is a graduate of the University of Idaho with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering.

Mike Clayville负责制定战略方向并建立VMware虚拟化技术在亚太地区市场的领先地位。他的职责是监督公司运作的各个方面,从销售、渠道、营销、合作伙伴关系和联盟到专业服务。Mike拥有超过18年的销售、营销和运营管理各种丰富的经验。加入VMware公司之前,Mike担任为食品业提供ERP系统的领先供应商——Marcam Solutions公司的全球渠道运营副总裁,并曾担任过BEA系统公司总领域的副总裁兼总经理。Mike拥有爱达荷大学的工程科学系的学士学位和美国德克萨斯农业机械大学的MBA学位。
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