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发布时间:2017-01-02 08:48 所属栏目:52 来源:IT168服务器频道
导读:Karthik Rau 卡帝克 Vice President of Marketing 全球市场部副总裁 Karthik oversees worldwide field, channel and alliance marketing at VMware. Karthik previously held multiple roles in product developme

Karthik Rau 卡帝克
Vice President of Marketing

Karthik oversees worldwide field, channel and alliance marketing at VMware. Karthik previously held multiple roles in product development, most recently running worldwide product management for VMware's server products. Prior to VMware, Karthik worked at Loudcloud where he led product management for the Opsware data center automation product suite. He has also worked in product management for Responsys.com and in the fixed income derivatives group at J.P. Morgan. Karthik has both a bachelors and masters degree in Industrial Engineering from Stanford University, where he graduated Phi Beta Kappa and was a Terman Scholar.

Karthik负责 VMware 服务器产品线的全球产品管理,其中包括 VMware Infrastructure 产品套件。加入 VMware 之前,Karthik 曾任职于Loudcloud,在此期间他领导 Opsware 自动化技术的第一个商务版本的产品管理,使该产品顺利上市。他曾在 Responsys.com 的产品管理部门和 J.P. Morgan的固定收益衍生组中工作。Karthik从斯坦福大学获得工业工程学士和硕士学位,并以 Phi Beta Kappa 荣誉毕业,而且获得 Terman Scholar 荣誉。

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